Arashiyama: The perfect place to experience the beauty of Japan and the serenity of tea ceremony.

    Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy a traditional Japanese tea ceremony in the heart of Arashiyama.

    Komurasaki An: A cozy and intimate tea ceremony experience.

    Immerse yourself in the beauty of Arashiyama and learn the art of tea ceremony in a warm and welcoming environment.

    Savor a once-in-a-lifetime tea ceremony experience at Komurasaki An, a traditional Japanese tea room in Arashiyama.

    In today’s fast-paced world, the Japanese Tea Ceremony offers a unique refuge – a chance to cultivate inner stillness amidst the daily hustle and bustle. Within the serene confines of the tearoom, anxieties fade, and our focus shifts to the present moment.

    1. Private Lesson Only

    Relax and focus on your own learning with our private experience. You’ll never have to worry about being paired with other groups, so you can take your time and get the most out of your session.

    The maximum group size is 6 people. However, individual participation is also welcome.

    2. Warm and Friendly Atmosphere

    Discover the charm of a traditional tea room in a local home, where a friendly host will introduce you to the art of tea ceremony. Experience the soothing ritual of Japanese tea for the first time. Enjoy a cup of matcha to relax and unwind from your travels. Welcome to a serene oasis where you can find peace and rejuvenate.

    3. Stone Mill Matcha Grinding Experience

    Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Japanese tea with our unique matcha grinding experience. In the heart of Arashiyama, you’ll have the opportunity to grind your own matcha powder using a traditional stone mill, a rare and unforgettable experience.

    Feel the weight of the mill as you slowly grind the tea leaves, savoring the delicate aroma and the sense of accomplishment as you create your own matcha. You’ll learn the secrets of matcha making and discover the true depth of this treasured Japanese tradition.

    4. Low chairs available for your comfort

    We have prepared low chairs to make your participation in the workshop more comfortable.

    There are many reasons why someone might need a low chair, such as cultural differences, clothing choices, or physical limitations. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the workshop to the fullest, so please don’t hesitate to ask for a low chair at any time, even if it’s in the middle of the workshop.

    5.Affordable Price

    The cost of the workshop is 3,500 yen per person. The workshop is approximately 90 minutes long and includes the following:

    • Grinding your own matcha powder with the millstone
    • Explanation of the history and spirit of tea ceremony
    • Introduction to tea ceremony utensils
    • Demonstration of tea ceremony
    • Savoring Namagashi, Japanese fresh sweets
    • Experience of making matcha tea and savoring its unique flavor
    • Awarding of a certificate of completion

    6. Certificate with photo memories

    Taking your photos During the tea ceremony workshop, the assistant will take photos of you as you learn the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

    Certificate of completion After the workshop, you will receive a certificate of completion with your photos.

    Coffee and sweets While you wait for your certificate to be created, you will be invited to a Western-style room where you can enjoy coffee and sweets. This is a great opportunity to communicate with the host and exchange your own cultures.

    Memories to last a lifetime This certificate is a beautiful and lasting memento of your tea ceremony experience. It is a perfect way to commemorate your time in Japan.

    7. Workshop Photos: Lasting Reminders

    Around 100 photos will be taken during the workshop. The photos will be attached and sent to participants via email either the same evening or the following morning. To ensure smooth delivery, the larger photos (those exceeding 2MB) will be compressed to a manageable size of around 300KB. These will be sent in batches of 7-8 emails. We hope the photos will serve as lasting reminders of your wonderful Komurasaki An tea ceremony experience.

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