A black cat suddenly appeared, as if it wanted to celebrate Halloween with me by joining my tea ceremony.

    As I was getting ready for a tea ceremony today, I heard a noise outside. I went to investigate and saw a black cat peeking around the corner. The cat was perfect for Halloween, with its long, flowing fur and piercing green eyes.I opened the door to let the cat in, but it just stood there, looking at me. I wondered if it wanted to come inside and join me for the tea ceremony.I was glad to have the company of the black cat on Halloween. It made the day even more special.

    I’m sharing a story about my Halloween experience in Delaware, Ohio, when I was studying abroad 43 years ago.

    On Halloween night, kids dressed up as skulls, witches, and devils went door-to-door, knocking and yelling “trick or treat!” I pretended to be scared and gave them the chocolate and candy I had prepared. The kids were so happy and ran away.

    It was an unforgettable and wonderful memory for me.