A Bridge of Travel – Friendship from America and Japan’s Repayment

    Alison and Kris from Montana, home to Yellowstone National Park, the oldest national park in the United States.

    Alison recently sent me a photo of the beautiful Montana landscape with snow-capped mountains and a flowing river. Alison’s emails are always a mix of Japanese and English. She studied Japanese at Kumamoto University about 20 years ago, so we were able to communicate in Japanese even when we met at the workshop. She was very surprised when I told her about the Kumamoto earthquake in 2016, which killed over 200 people. Erin was visiting Japan for the first time, but she had studied on her own and seemed to understand most of what I was saying in Japanese. Before coming to Kyoto, they visited Shikoku, where they went to Kochi Castle in Kochi Prefecture and Dogo Onsen in Ehime Prefecture. When I asked them about Dogo Onsen, Alison replied, “The hot springs were so relaxing!” and expressed her joy with her whole body. Erin too smiled and nodded in agreement.

    Forty years ago, I went on a trip to Yellowstone National Park with my wife, Naoko. We parked our car at a campsite, pitched our tent next to it, and spent the night. While we were preparing dinner, an elderly couple from the neighboring tent came over and offered us some sausages and vegetables. It was our first time camping, and we were in a foreign country, so we were a bit nervous. Their kindness made us feel so warm and welcome. The next morning, we woke up and wanted to thank the couple, but their tent and car were already gone. In the distance, three deer were watching us, perhaps looking for food. It was a reminder that even in the midst of loneliness, a kind gesture from a stranger can make all the difference.

    Alison and Erin, my wife and I have always been grateful for that experience. It taught us the importance of hospitality and kindness, especially towards those who are far from home. We strive to extend the same warmth and generosity to travelers who come to Japan, hoping that they too will have a positive and memorable experience.