Komurasaki An is located 3 minutes walk from Hankyu Arashiyama Station. 

    If you have any trouble finding the venue of Komurasaki An, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please call the phone number in the reply email you received when you made your reservation. We will be happy to pick you up.

    How to get to the venue of Komurasaki An from Hankyu Arashiyama Station


    This is Hankyu Arashiyama Station. You will head to the left direction with the station behind you.


    You will pass Lawson and then go diagonally to the left.


    You will keep going straight past the Ministop in front of you, then turn left.


    The road splits into two, one straight and one left, so you will turn left there.


    Keep going straight until you reach the first corner, then turn right.


    The telegraph pole you see on your right is the landmark. Turn right there.


    After turning right, the venue is the second building on your left.


    You have arrived. The tea room is located inside a Japanese-style house. Please ring the doorbell and call for us.


    When the tea ceremony workshop is held, we will put up a signboard in front of the gate. Please use this as your landmark.