Reunion Across Time – Vivid Memories of Days at Doshisha Girls’ Junior High School Resurface

    44 years ago, during my second year teaching at Doshisha Girls’ Junior High School, I had the opportunity to reunite with the students I once taught. Memories from that time flooded back, creating a deeply nostalgic experience.

    I was responsible for teaching second-year junior high students, a period marked by their youthful rebellion. Each day was filled with tension, never knowing what to expect upon entering the classroom. Opening the door itself was daunting, yet I earnestly hoped for the girls to experience peaceful days.

    After four decades, one of the students, Kazumi, reminisced, “Those days were so much fun!” Learning that they had enjoyed themselves lifted a weight off my chest, and I suddenly felt a rush of nostalgia. Sharing a cup of matcha and lunch with them was a precious moment.

    Seeing these women, now in their late fifties, still maintaining connections with each other, I realized anew the charm of our days at Doshisha Girls’ Junior High School. The bonds that endure across time leave a lasting impression on our hearts.